Algorithm Specs

On-chain Social Identity 2FA SDK

Two Different Types of Verification Public Key

-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDQgAE3EW7FX/dbcsTCYRlL97tBEPH0C+4tpDc\nOq4OuRVNA+ct8uIW5xIaY6Jvzut059f50A+F87IeKzXGUeWQ0l64uA==

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


It can also transform into the EVM address: 0xf3b4e49Fd77A959B704f6a045eeA92bd55b3b571

The Signature Calculation

The signature string is: [account_and_auth_type_hash]:[request_id]

The signature algorithm is ETH compatible, same as this: ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(value))

Following are the sample code of signature process.

Last updated